Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the Paleo Diet, day 3

I got the book and as of Sunday evening I'm officially on the Paleo Diet. I've done some crazy things, folks. I've done detox diets, I've been vegetarian. But this really takes the cake. Scratch that; Cake is not allowed. Here is a brief summary of what is not allowed on the Paleo Diet: dairy, beans, corn, potatoes, grains, sugar, and salt. This lays devastating waste to the food guide pyramid. Strangely, beer and wine are not prohibited, even though Paleo Man could not have had them. Loren Cordain PhD recommends moderation, of course! I'm only on the third full day, and this is hard. Basically, you can only have lean, fresh meat, fruit, and most vegetables (legumes and the starchy ones excluded). My fervent hope is that once I figure out how to shop for these things and how to make a few delicious meals under these restrictions, that I'll be happy again. I want to give this a good college try, because it promises to bring out the caveman in me!

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